
Katie Byers

Software Engineer


Katie has been at Sentry since 2018, and has worked on the SDK and Issues teams. Based in San Francisco, but still a proud member of #redsoxnation. Listens to too many podcasts. Likes all dogs (and some people, too!).


In the modern web, the JavaScript you write is often down-compiled using a compiler like Babel to make sure your JavaScript is compatible with older browsers or environments. In addition, if you are using TypeScript (like the Sentry SDK’s do) or something similar, you’ll have to transpile your TypeScript to JavaScript. Understanding how your code is being transpiled and downcompiled is important, because your bundle size is affected by your final generated JavaScript. This post is all about the technical prep work needed to ship a 0 bug reported major issue.
SDKs naturally increase in size over time. After all, it does take more bytes to implement more features. This is not a big deal for most languages—the relative size of each new feature is small, and load times and storage aren’t big concerns for code running on a server. Larger JS bundles mean longer load times, which in turn increase user misery, which then can cause the user to leave pages entirely.